
by admin on May 21, 2012

At some point yesterday (5/20/2012) this blog had its 100,000-th visitor. Congratulations, whoever you were! Unfortunately I have no prize to offer, unlike the bogus web advertisements with a blinking light saying you are the millionth visitor.

Just for comparison, my wife’s blog (www.allaboutapplique.net), which debuted around the same time as “dana blogs chess,” has gotten more than 700,000 visitors. So I’m definitely the #2 blogger in my own family. This proves one of two things. Either there are a lot more quilters in the world than chessplayers, or else she writes a much better blog…

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jo May 23, 2012 at 5:50 am

maybe she gets up earlier 🙂

I’m looking for Shipov, but it seems he’s lost in translation 🙂

I’e not been before, but congrats on your century.


Coco Loco May 23, 2012 at 10:23 am

Congrats on reaching the milestone!
Now on to the depressing (relative) reality of the two blogs… Her blog looks nicer. Why not put up some nice quilt pics on your site? Chess, or kittens, or anything with some color. She has her own Amazon bookstore. She has her own Amazon DVD store. She links to other, seemingly popular, sites. Need I go on? 🙂
A minimum, imho: date your blog entries! Also, when you write “in about two hours”, how should the reader know when that might be?
And… oh yeah, thanks for the translations. 🙂


admin May 24, 2012 at 9:11 am

I think that these are all really good points. I haven’t changed the look of my blog since I began it, and it’s starting to look shabby … the wallpaper is peeling … In short, it’s time for a renovation project. It will have to wait until after the match, though.


Gerhard May 24, 2012 at 1:05 am

I quite like the look of the blog and especially like the work of GM Shipov.
It seems to me that his work (art?!) belongs surely to the very best available on the net.

His insights and the translation into good english is greatly welcome, especially for a german reader like myself.


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